Nama : Prof. Ir. Erry Purnomo, M.AppSc., PhD

Jabatan Fungsional : Guru besar

Jenjang Pendidikan

S1        : Universitas Gadjah Mada
S1        : Charles Sturt University, Australia
S2        : Charles Sturt University, Australia
S3        : Charles Sturt University, Australia

Bidang Ilmu : Ilmu tanah

Pengajaran :



  1. Production and Utilization Technology for sustainable Development of eaglewood (Gaharu) in Indonesia
  2. Nitrogen nutrition in CO-Plant System:Zea mays and Desmodium heterophyllum Final Research Report.
  3. Growing Food Crops with Biochar: 1. Vigna unguiculate. Final Research Report.
  4. Response of Maize t o Inorganic fertilizer as Affected by Compost+Biochar Application
  5. Pertumbuhan Jenis Padi di Tanah Sulfat Masam Dengan Cara Pemupukan yang berbeda
  6. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium balances in Various Rice Cultivars Grown on Acid Sulfate Soil under Different Fertilization Methods.
  7. Residues of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from the previous applied compound fertilizer with the presence of compost+biochar
  8. Companion Palnt System: a strategy to grow trees on an extreme soil
  9. Pendirian Industri Gaharu di Kalimantan Timur Bagian Utara. MP3EI tahun1
  10. Pendirian Industri Gaharu di Kalimantan Timur Bagian Utara. MP3EI tahun 2
  11. Nitrogen Nutrition in Co Plant System: Zea mays and Desmodium heterophyllum growing food Crops with Biochar: capsicum fructesence, Vigna anguiculata, Zea mays
  12. Growing food Crops with Biochar: Net Balance of Nitrogen in Plant-Soil System with the presence of Compost+ Biochar
  13. Growing food Crops with Biochar: Leaching of nitrogen in up-land and low-land soils
  14. Exploring living Mulch: stratification of soil chemical under living mulch, mineralisation and nitrification rate, and allelopathy of living mulch
  15. Involvement of indigenous microorganism in mineralizing fresh organic material
  16. Growing food crops with biochar : crop water use, charcoal briquet 3 in 1


  1. Extreme High Yield of Tropical Rice Grown Without fertilizer on Acid Sulfate Soil in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
  2. Root-induced Changes in the Rhizosphere of Extreme High Yield Tropical Rice: 1
  3. Root-induced Changes in the Rhizosphere of Extreme High Yield Tropical Rice: 2
  4. Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) Grown on Overburden Soil in a Coal Mining Area without top soil to various compost sources
  5. The environmental Characteristics of south Kalimantan site for eaglewood plantation project.
  6. Nutrient and economic balances of gaharu (eaglewood) grown in mix farming system
  7. Exit strategy and recommendation on gaharu (eaglewood) development following the ITTO PO 425/06 Rev.1
  8. Production and Utilization technology for sustainable development of eaglewood (Gaharu) in Indonesia : selection pathogens for eaglewood (gaharu) inoculation
  9. Production and Utilization technology for sustainable development of eaglewood (gaharu) in Indonesia : Establishing of demonstration plot of eaglewood (gaharu) plantation and inoculation technology
  10. Production and Utilization technology for sustainable development of eaglewood (gaharu) in Indonesia Completion Report of ITTO project
  11. An Extreme Low Input Technology in Extreme High Yield Tropical Rice

Pengabdian Masyarakat

  1. Pendirian Demplot Mix Farming System (Agroforestry) : Penentuan Takaran Optimum Pupuk Anorganik dan Organik untuk Tanaman Padi
  2. Sosialisasi pertanian di pekarangan sempit kepada paguyuban tugu Semarang (2016)
  3. Sistem polybag 3-in-1 untuk pertanian di halaman rumah sempit (kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat untuk paguyuban tugu muda Semarang) (2017)

Keanggotaan Organisasi